About us
The EnvironmentYou - Environmental Management Enhancement by Youth-run SMEs project focuses on developing specially designed promotion and organisation procedures aiming in the successful diffusion and effective implementation of EMSs in enterprises. The SMEs will be the ones operated by younger people in the cross-border region of Greece and Bulgaria and that are focusing on agricultural activities.
The EnvironmentYou project was launched in June 2019 and will be implemented for two years, in the framework of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”, which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme.

Project Aim & Objectives
All the EnvironmentYou project actions aim in seeding an eco-friendly business culture and practice the philosophy of sustainable development to young professionals. The project’s goal is the initiation of a transition process for business operations from a “profit only” business approach to an environmental resource’ protection and enrichment process. This approach will secure the area’s environmental capital, but it will also create rigid foundations for a strong but most important, sustainable economic growth. An overall goal is to cultivate environmentally friendly business culture to youngers in the cross-region area, focusing on those who are working with soil and water, and especially those who are near or affect Natura areas. The Strategic Objectives of the proposed project are the following:
· The establishment environmental quality principles for cross border youth SMEs.
· The integration of sustainable development principles and environmental capital protection in the cross border productive model.
· Promotion and exchange of good practices inside Regional territory but also towards neighboring regions.
The Project specific objectives are briefly described below:
· Promoting SMEs conformation with European environmental legislation and promotion of its uniformity among the two sides of the borders.
· Seeding total quality management principles in youth SMEs.
· Decrease in energy consumption.
· Decrease in natural resources consumption.
· Advancement in management of soil and water deposits.
· The establishment environmental quality principles for cross border youth SMEs.
· The integration of sustainable development principles and environmental capital protection in the cross border productive model.
· Promotion and exchange of good practices inside Regional territory but also towards neighboring regions.
The Project specific objectives are briefly described below:
· Promoting SMEs conformation with European environmental legislation and promotion of its uniformity among the two sides of the borders.
· Seeding total quality management principles in youth SMEs.
· Decrease in energy consumption.
· Decrease in natural resources consumption.
· Advancement in management of soil and water deposits.
Project Beneficiaries & Target Groups:
· Adult Counsellors
· Local Development Agencies
· Business Associations
· Chambers of Commerce
· Labour Employment Services
· Adult Education Policy-Makers
· Higher Education Institutes
· Trade Unions
· Business Incubators
· Business Accelerators
· Social Enterprises
Cross-border Partnership & Area of Intervention
The geographical area of the EnvironmentYou project’s activities covers a big portion of the total Greece and Bulgaria eligible area. All Greek partners are located inside the Central Macedonia Region, with the administrational body of the Region being part of the consortium. The region is the second most populated region of Greece, but also one of the most productive in the agricultural field. The landscape is a combination of flat fertile areas and mountainous varying environments. The same counts for the side of Bulgarian border area. The total of the intervention area is active in agricultural sector. The population is suffering from internal migration towards the cities and the rural areas are facing a lack of youths to actively take over modern open area activities. Also, for the total of the INTERREG eligible area, human activities are posing a threat for the environment, combined with climate change and global warming. In relation to the above challenges, the project is aiming to tackle them by incorporating the novel approach of adopting eco-friendly practices that will not only maximize economic performance, but also serve as a driver for environmental protection and enrichment.piditate hic odio voluptatum nobis omnis harum perferendis facere obcaecati at ullam.
Project Outputs
· 5 Local piloting EMSs implementing networks.
· More than 500 participants in training seminars on EMS, eco-friendly Business and Natural Resources protection through business activities.
· One template for Environmental Management System for cross-border rural areas based on the EMAS standard.
· A model focusing on sustainable agricultural activities in environmental sensitive areas.
· One operational e-EMS Knowledge Resource Center, operating as a distinctive office in each partner’s premises in the area of intervention.
· A total of 30.000 square Km surface area of habitats will be supported, in order to attain a better conservation status. The area of intervention includes the Region of Central, Blagoevgrand, Smolyan and Haskovo Provinces.