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EnvironmentYou: 2nd International Exchange Study Visit in Bansko focusing on Environmentally Friendly Activities in the Agri-food Sector

The aim of the Greek and Bulgarian partners visit was the promotion and dissemination of innovative technologies and practices applied to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the region of Bansko, which are active in the primary sector. Through the brainstorming sessions between these two countries, a dialogue begins with the ultimate goal of strengthening rural entrepreneurship and creating a strong economy in the cross-border area.  

The educational process mainly included face-to-face visits to local agricultural units with emphasis on livestock farming and dairy, business sectors favored by the mountainous, abundant plant life morphology of the location but also to small and medium-sized enterprises that enhance agrotourism.

The contribution of the Chairman of association "United Farmers" was important, as she opened the three-day study visit with her presentation “Innovations in the agricultural sector” and the beginning of a dialogue between the participants. 

The educational process continued on the second day with our morning visit to the horse farm 6 km outside the city of Razlog. This is a family business which is built according to European standards and has all the amenities to welcome tourists who have the opportunity to enjoy a horse ride in the forest, to try local organic products and to harmonize with the nature and the landscape. Of particular interest is the use of horses for therapeutic purposes in children with special needs.

The second day continued with our visit to the hotel "Kingdom of Herbs and Mushrooms" which has been an attraction for many journalists and tourists over the years. Each package of herb and mushroom has its name and its healing properties while each room of the hotel has a theme depending on a separate herb. Finally in the afternoon there was a wine taste which has been produced in local vineyards and a variety of cheeses also produced by local dairy farmers.

On the third and last day of our visit, we visited a local stock-farm unit where we watched the process of cattle, sheep and goats raising, following modern and good practices for effective fattening.


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Environmental Management Enhancement by Youth-run SMEs

“This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of the Hellenic National Youth Council and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat”.

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